If We Are Erased

Four years ago, I began a series of five volumes on the topic of whether the human species would be erased, and if so by what. All five were subtitled "A Catalog of Imaginary Creatures". In light of the ever-increasing dialogue about what A.I. is doing to us, and whether it will eventually eliminate us entirely, I bring you here the libretto of Volume Two. In the book it is followed by provocative CAD images of the creatures that might supercede us, if we cannot resist our addiction to violence.

If we are erased

Shrouded in mystery

Kidnapped from history

Are there any more of us

Out there, anywhere?

Are they any calmer, kinder, wiser?

Or just as pugilistic

Just as bully-prone and bullet-ridden

Just as obsessed with sides/cides

Like genocides, femicides, taking sides?

We were no picnic in the grass

For Mother Earth

Rather her badass

Offspring, unsprung, gone berserk.

What if another Chelyabinsk or Chicxulub

Comes to call

Leaving relentless silence

For all?

If we are erased.

When we are erased

Who will hit undo?

I don't know.

Do you?

c. Corinne Whitaker 2015 - 2019

Silence in another sense is the subject of our new book, "The Empty Bed", available on amazon

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copyright 1994 - 2019 Corinne Whitaker